SEND Careers Support
The Careers Lead works closely with the SEND team at Allerton Grange, to ensure all students are well prepared for life beyond school. From Year 9 onwards, all students with an EHCP have a designated meeting with our Independent Careers Advisor, which parents/carers are invited to attend. The information discussed at these meetings is fed back through Annual Reviews.
All SEND students meet with Scope to look at life beyond Year 11. They have mock interviews, look at the options available to them int he world of work and answer student questions about FE, HE, Apprenticeships and the workplace.
Each year, we take a group of Year 10 and 11 SEND students to the SEND Next Choices event at the First Direct Arena. It’s a fantastic opportunity for both staff and students to explore Leeds’s post-16 options, and to build connections with colleges, employers and apprenticeship providers.
Post 16 Pathways for SEND students
Students with an EHCP will have detailed discussions with the school SEND department, parents/carers and Mrs Mills regarding the range of options available and do some detailed exploration to decide what may be the best option.
For more information about post-16 options for students with an EHCP, please see the Leeds SENDIASS website - SEND Post 16 options Leeds .