Year 9 Options

This is the first opportunity in a student’s school journey when they will be given some choice over what they can study. 

Students are encouraged: 

  • To choose a subject based on interest in that subject. 
  • To think about how your choice fits into your long-term career goals (if you have an idea at this stage. It’s fine not to!). 
  • To ask your teachers for advice about what you will study throughout the course and how you will be assessed. 
  • To think about their options carefully and avoid choosing a subject on the spur of the movement; carefully think about the benefits studying that subject could bring to your learning journey. 
  • Read the options booklet thoroughly, to ensure they have a good understanding of every option and every course. 
  • Not to pick a subject based on peer or parent pressure. 
  • Not to worry if they don’t know what they want to do after their GCSEs. 



The Year 9 Options booklet is given to students and sent home before Christmas. 

At Allerton Grange we value the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) subjects at GCSE level. Studying these subjects is also known to improve outcomes in English and Maths. 

The EBacc subjects are: 

  • English Language and Literature 
  • Maths 
  • Science (Students will either study biology, chemistry and physics separately, or gain two science qualifications) 
  • A language  
  • A humanity - geography or history  
  • One option subject 

The option subject chosen will have 6 sessions of teaching per fortnight. 

It is possible to pick an additional language or (History and Geography) 

All students will continue to study RS and PE which are compulsory at Key Stage 4. 

Students with SEND 

Our SEND team work with all students to accommodate their needs based on the individual. 

Please click to view the Year 9 Options Booklet for 2025-2027 teaching below.