Exam Results & Performance Tables
School and College Performance Tables
The latest Department for Education performance tables for our school can be found by visiting the Department for Education website: Allerton Grange performance tables. This includes data on GCSEs and 16-18 study.
Progress 8 and Attainment 8
Progress 8 and Attainment 8 are based on students’ performance in eight qualifications. These are English and Maths, up to three subjects from the Ebacc list, and students’ three highest scores from a range of other qualifications, including GCSEs and approved non-GCSEs. English and Maths are given double weighting to reflect their importance.
The English Baccalaureate, or EBacc, is a measure of how many students achieve a good GCSE pass in six core academic subjects: English, maths, history or geography, combined science (which counts as two passes) and a language. In addition, students must take both English language and literature, although they only need a grade 5+ (new GCSEs) in one of them.
Progress 8 score: -0.02 (Autumn 2024)
Attainment 8 score: 44.9 (Autumn 2024)
GCSE/ End of Key Stage 4 Results
45.7% of students achieved a strong pass (grade 5 - 9) in English and Maths at the end of Key Stage 4.
4.34 is the EBacc APS (In 2018, the EBacc attainment measure changed to an average point score showing students' point scores across the five pillars of the EBacc)
Year 11 2021-22 (KS4) Leaver Destinations
- Education Employment and Training 95%
- NEET 4%
- Unknown 1%
A Level/End of Key Stage 5 Results
Applied courses: Progress Score for Applied Level 3 courses is not available for 2023 and 2024 as these students received either Teacher Assessed Grades or Centre Assessed Grades for GCSE subjects.
A Levels: Progress Score for A Level courses is not available for 2023 and 2024 as these students received either Teacher Assessed Grades or Centre Assessed Grades for GCSE subjects. However, the Average Grade attained was C-. The Department of Education classifies this as Average compared to other schools across England.
Year 13 Leaver Destinations (KS5) 2021-22
- Education Employment and Training (including Gap Year/Resits) 83%
- NEET 12%
- Unknown 5%
GCSE Grading
Ofqual introduced a new grading structure from 2017 for English and Maths, with other subjects following from 2018. Grades are awarded from 1 to 9 rather than the old A* - G system. Although they are not directly equivalent, grade 4 and above is equal to grade C and above, the widely used benchmark for further education providers and employers. Under the new structure, it is more difficult to achieve the highest grade of 9 which now includes some work that was previously taught at A Level.