
16 19 Bursary Policy 2023 Accessibility Policy Statement Anti-Bullying Policy 2022 2023 Attendance Policy 2023 24 Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance Policy 202324 Careers Programme 2022 23 Careers Information for Employers 2324 Careers Provider Access Policy 2324 Charging Remissions Policy 2022 CP Safeguarding Child Protection Policy 2023 2024 CP Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 CP Keeping Children Safe in Education Part one 2023 CP Peer on Peer Abuse Policy CP Saferworking Practice 2022 Code of Conduct for Parents Covid Outbreak Management Plan AGS June 2021 Curriculum Teaching and Assessment Policy 2023 Equality Diversity Policy 2022 Exams Access Arrangements Exam Policy Exams Candidate Identification Policy Exams Centre Emergency Evacuation Procedure Exams Exams Complaints and Appeals Procedure Exams Contingency Plan Exams Controlled Assessments Policy Exams Disability Equalities Policy Exams Fire Safety Management Plan Exams Internal Appeals Policy Exams: Room Incident Log Exams Word Processor Policy Gender and Identity Guidance (Leeds City Council) Health and Safety Policy Student Toilets Risk Assessment Home School Agreement Jan 2022 Homework Policy September 2022 Medical Conditions Policy 2024 Mobile Phone Policy Online Safety Policy (Digital Technologies and Social Media) Freedom of Information Policy Summer 2022 Personal Data Handling Policy Summer 2022 PPD Policy for Positive Discipline 2023-24 PPD: Behaviour Principles 202324 Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Guidance September 23 PP Strategy Statement Dec 23 School Privacy Notice Students 2022 Relationship & Sex Education Policy 2022 2023 Remote Learning Policy Safer Recruitment: Brexit Guidance Changes to DBS Filtering Rules Disclosure Barring Service: Disclosure Statement and Flowchart SEND POLICY updated July 2023 with DAHIT Annual SEND Report 2023 SEND Information Report Social, Moral, Spiritual & Cultural Policy 2022 23 Staff Code of Conduct: Safer Working Practice 2022 Visitors Policy Whistleblowing Policy for Schools School Complaints Procedure 202122 AGS Transgender guidelines Oct 2023

Keeping Children Safe in Education (link to Department for Education information) Annex A Child Protection Guidance