Other Key Links
CPD/NQT/ITT Teacher Training link: Tom Hanson
SEND Leader: Michaela Child
EAL Students: Abbie Maunder
Enrichment Coordinator: Liz Braim
PSHE, SMSC, Citizenship & British Values: Monisha Mahoney
Careers Lead: Louise Mills
Safeguarding, Behaviour, Student Support: Sarah Whittingham
Child Protection: Ruth Rowbotham (Phillips)
Out of Hours Safeguarding and Child Protection Contact Information:
Assistant Headteacher responsible for Safeguarding - Sarah Whittingham - 07720 091543
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Ruth Rowbotham - 07900 741241
Student Attendance: Natalie Harris
Key Stage 3 Pastoral Care: Leanne Hosty
Progress and Welfare Manager Year 7: Connie Wright
Progress and Welfare Manager Year 8: Ruth Davis
Progress and Welfare Manager Year 9: Glenn Williamson
Key Stage 4 Pastoral Care: Jess Walker
Progress and Welfare Manager Year 10: Elliot Mahoney
Progress and Welfare Manager Year 11: Steven Lomas
Key Stage 5 Head of Sixth Form: Kat Knox-Renshaw
Progress and Welfare Manager KS5: Rachael Fryer
Sixth Form Administrator: sixthform@allertongrange.com