English as an Additional Language
We have a broad and varied population of students learning EAL and staff have an extremely positive and inclusive approach to EAL students.
Students who need EAL assistance are fully integrated into the life of Allerton Grange School from the very start of their time here. We regard the students' self-esteem to be of paramount importance and EAL staff aim to ensure that EAL students have the chance to achieve their full potential.
All EAL lessons are facilitated by language staff, who are experienced in the differentiated teaching of English language for academic purposes. Students are taught in a supportive and caring atmosphere, which is both collaborative and interactive.
When a new student arrives, tests are carried out by the EAL co-ordinator to ascertain the student's level of proficiency in the four skills areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking. The results of the initial diagnostic test are used to prepare an individually tailored intervention plan for each student and this information is passed on to all subject teachers. Assessment and collaboration with curriculum areas is ongoing until the student can access the mainstream curriculum unaided and is fully integrated into the school community.
We celebrate cultural diversity and recognize that bilingualism is an asset to the development of language, learning and thinking skills. There are a number of EAL teachers in our department who are multilingual, speaking languages such as Urdu, Punjabi, Arabic, Farsi, Polish, French, Spanish and German. Each year we enter a considerable number of students to do GCSEs and AS levels in their home languages and we have been very successful in this area.
We offer the following EAL provision:
- Staggered induction programme for newly arrived students.
- Ongoing EAL assessment and help/advice for curriculum areas on EAL teaching strategies and subject-specific resources.
- EAL intervention lessons to consolidate language and academic content in smaller groups.
- In-class EAL support in language intensive subject areas across the curriculum.
- Help advice for other staff including in-house training sessions.
- Focused support for underachieving groups.
- Nurturing/pastoral support for any EAL students but especially International new arrivals.
- MFL exams in first language.
- Assessing and providing the access arrangements for exams for EAL students.
- Opportunity to gain vocational qualifications such as Asdan Wider Key Skills.
- Homework and Key Stage 4 coursework support clubs after school and at lunch times.
- We actively encourage students to participate in extra-curricular clubs run by the school and outside agencies.
- Parents / community involvement.
- Liaising with outside agencies.
If you should have any concerns about your son/daughter or if you would like to learn more about the EAL department, please get in touch with school to arrange a chat with our EAL Co-ordinator.