
Making the move from primary school into secondary school can be a daunting time for students and their families. However, we have a thorough transition programme in place to ensure that students feel welcomed and confident on their first day.

Welcome to Allerton Grange School!

Year 6 students joining Allerton Grange in September 2024 will be invited to attend our Transition Days on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 June 2024, 8.45 am until 2.45 pm. Letters will be sent out to parents and carers with all the information closer to the time. Year 6 students should wear their Primary School Uniform for Transition Days.

New Year 7 Parents Evening Presentation

During the Transition process, Year 6 children will get to know our staff when they visit primary schools and when children take part in Transition Days at Allerton Grange.

Ms Hosty - Transition Lead and KS3 Progress & Welfare Leader

Mrs Wright - Year 7 Progress & Welfare Manager

Ms Williams - Year 7 Progress & Welfare Coach

Mr Fidler - KS3 Director and Assistant Headteacher

Ms Whittingham - Assistant Headteacher, Safeguarding & Welfare

Our Transition Team of Ms Hosty (KS3 Leader) and Mrs Wright (Head of Year 7) are experienced in supporting students to adapt to life at secondary school. They are dedicated to supporting students’ welfare and are non-teaching staff.

After the Easter break, Ms Hosty and Mrs Wright start their visits to primary schools to meet with teachers and students. We also hold Transition or 'Taster' Days in the summer term.

Before students start at the school, our Transition process involves bringing together information from the admissions form, required to be filled out for each student, as well as thorough consultation with primary school teachers. Placing students in form groups and allocating which language they will be studying is carefully thought through. 

We liaise with primary schools to place students in forms with a familiar face, wherever possible. There are ten form groups in Year 7 and each will be a mix of students from different primary schools. This is because some students join Allerton Grange with 30 others from their primary school, whilst other students are the only student from their primary school. We believe that Year 7 is an exciting opportunity to meet lots of new people and make friends, and we support our students to do this.

During the first term, students have a Getting to Know You meeting with the Year Team. The Year Team actively support Year 7 students to adjust to life at secondary school and, for example, help them to use the cash loaders for lunch.

In March, after secondary school places have been allocated by the Local Authority, new Year 7 students' parents/carers will receive details by email to log in to our online portal to complete an admissions form. You will also find lots of useful information about Allerton Grange School.

You can access the school site on foot from either the Talbot Avenue entrance or the Lidgett Lane Turning Circle Entrance. Students being dropped off by car should either be dropped off at the Turning Circle, or a distance away from the school gates for safety and to avoid congestion.

The student gates open at 8.15 am and Form Time/Registration starts at 8.25 am. 

There will be lots of Allerton Grange staff outside, helping to direct you to the student entrance and then to the Hall.

All of Year 7 will meet in the Hall for a Welcome Assembly on your first day, before spending time with your Form Tutor, and starting to follow your timetable.

Only Year 7 students will be in school on your first day and you will have a tour to help you find your way around the school building.

Please make sure you have clear arrangements with your parents/carers about how you are getting home or where you are being picked up after school. 

Year 7 assemblies take place on Monday mornings in place of normal registration with form tutors. Every half term Rewards Assemblies take place to recognise achievements from individuals and groups.

We follow the school’s Policy for Positive Discipline which allocates achievement and behaviour points to students.

Points can lead to prizes or special trips, whereas behaviour points issued for breaking school rules can lead to detentions or more serious sanctions.

Students are placed into sets in Maths, Science and PE shortly after starting in September.

This is determined through baseline assessments as well as attainment information from primary school.

In Languages, setting takes place in January of Year 7.

In all other subjects, students remain in mixed-ability groups throughout Key Stage 3. 

They can move up and down sets based on assessment results, however every effort is made to provide intervention support before moving students down. At Allerton Grange, we pride ourselves on teaching and learning, including providing the right support to challenge and stretch our students, helping them to achieve their full potential.

Students interested in music can choose from a diverse range of instruments to learn through our tuition programme

You can view a virtual tour of the school (click on the link below):

Virtual Tour of the School with Charlotte (This video was filmed during lockdown in 2020)

Have questions?

For further information, please contact Mrs Leanne Hosty – Progress and Welfare Leader for Key Stage 3 and Transition Manager

For more detailed information about admissions, uniform, how the school day is structured, catering and what equipment they will need, please see other pages on the website:


Admissions School Uniform Catering and Free School Meals
Home/School Agreement School Day ParentPay
Newsletters Equipment Extra-Curricular Activities