Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
All Year 12 students are invited to complete the Extended Project Qualification.
This is an optional, additional qualification that they can take alongside their core A-Levels.
Students have the opportunity to take ownership over their own learning by selecting a topic of their own personal interest. This might develop and extend from one or more of the student’s study areas and/or from an area of personal interest or activity outside their main programme of study. It will be based on a topic chosen by the student(s) and agreed as appropriate by the centre.
Students are supported by a personal tutor through timetabled sessions to gain the academic skills required to successfully complete the EPQ.
Students benefit from developing their skills in researching, academic writing, presentation, time management and organisation.
The Extended Project is a Level 3 qualification, first assessed in November 2008. Students may choose to take the Extended Project Qualification as an extension from studies for any other qualifications at Level 3 (GCE, BTEC, NVQ, other academic or vocational qualifications including Modern Apprenticeships).
Students are required, with appropriate supervision, to:
- choose an area of interest
- draft a title and aims of the project for formal approval by the
centre - plan, research and carry out the project
- deliver a presentation to a non specialist audience
- provide evidence of all stages of project development and
production for assessment
The EPQ requires a total of 120 guided learning hours and runs from September Year 12 – September Y13 in order to have it completed in the November entry series. Results are published January Year 13.
Students are supported through the project with dedicated timetabled sessions delivered by the EPQ Co-ordinator to gain the academic skills required to successfully complete their projects. They are also timetabled a one-to-one session with a dedicated Supervisor where they will have the opportunity to discuss their project and complete tasks. There are also workshops delivered through our collaboration with the University of Leeds delivered at key moments.
Students need to be in Year 12 and studying Level 3 qualifications.
Assessment is entirely coursework-based with three submission components:
- The Production Log
- The Project Product (5000 word essay or artefact project)
- The Presentation
Students benefit from developing their skills in research, academic writing, presentation of complex ideas and information, time management and organisation. All of these skills support students through current and future academic studies.