Physical Education

If you have a keen interest in sport then the Cambridge Technical Level 3 in Sport & Physical Activity will give you a greater depth of knowledge in many areas.

Future Opportunities

This qualification can lead to a number of career or university pathways in the realms of sport and physical activity. Examples are coaching and sport development, physical education, physical education with Qualified Teacher Status, sport therapy or physiotherapy, fitness instructor and other roles within the leisure industry.

Physical Education

You will look at how the body and the mind contribute to successful performance in sport and also investigate various factors that influence sport being an integral part of society today.

The practical aspect of the course recognises that quality performance in sport is more than just 'playing' and allows you to be assessed demonstrating skills in coaching and officiating.

A good range of GCSEs at grades 4 to 9, including English and Maths. A grade 6 in GCSE PE or equivalent is required for the Cambridge Technical course.

It may be possible to accept students who have not studied GCSE PE, particularly if they have a strong Science background. You also need to be playing sport outside school to club or county level.

Students will need to continue with their chosen sport outside of lessons in order to attain the necessary levels of performance.

The Cambridge Technical course is equivalent to an A level qualification.

The course is assessed through both coursework and exams. Your skills and knowledge will be assessed through practical tasks written coursework presentations and teacher observation and two exams at the end of a unit. This is a single award (360 Guided Learning Hours).