Attendance and Punctuality


Attendance Policy

In order for students to achieve their full potential, it is very important that they attend their timetabled lessons. Sixth Form students are expected to attend all lessons and an assembly once a week. Each year group will have a designated assembly day; they will be informed about this at the beginning of the academic year.

Reporting an Absence
If a student is absent on any day your parent/carer must let us know via ClassCharts 'Reporting an Absence' by 8:30 am. 

Pre-planned absences such as university open days or medical appointments must be recorded with the Sixth Form Office.

The Sixth Form Team will run a weekly report on attendance. If there are any concerns regarding a student’s attendance, the following procedures will be followed:

Stage 1: Initial concerns will be dealt with by their Form Tutor in the first instance, who will speak to the student and review their attendance the following week.

Stage 2: If a student’s attendance is below 95% but above 90%, then the student will have a meeting with the Sixth Form Team to discuss the reasons for absence and a formal letter will be sent home to notify parents/guardians of the meeting and actions to follow on. The student will also be placed on an attendance report for two school weeks. During this time students will be expected to have 100% attendance, unless there is an authorised absence and the Sixth Form Team have been notified by parents/guardians. If the student fails to have 100%, without a valid reason, then parents/guardians will be asked to come in for a meeting with the sixth form team.

Stage 3: If a student’s attendance falls below 90%, a formal letter will be sent home and the Sixth Form Team will request a meeting with the student’s parent/guardian. Students will be put on attendance report and an action plan will be put in place.

Stage 4: If a parent/guardian is unable to attend the meeting arranged on two occasions, the meeting will automatically be raised with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. If they fail to attend this further meeting, the next will be arranged with the Head teacher.

At the end of every term, all students with 100% attendance will receive a reward. Additionally, at the end of the academic year all students with attendance over 98% will be put into a prize draw.



Punctuality Policy

The Sixth Form Team will run a weekly report on punctuality. If there are any concerns regarding a student’s punctuality, the following procedure will be followed:

Stage 1: Initial concerns will be dealt with by their form tutor in the first instance, who will speak to the student and review their punctuality the following week.

Stage 2: If there is no improvement a member of the sixth form team will speak to the student and parents/guardians will be informed of the concern. The student’s punctuality will be monitored on a weekly basis.

Stage 3: If there is no improvement the student will be required to make up any lost time to lessons at break time or after school.

Stage 4: If there is still no improvement parents/guardians will be invited into school and a contract drawn up between school, student and parents.

Student Learning Agreement - View here