
At Allerton Grange, our Careers Programme encourages students to be ambitious, broaden their horizons and explore their own career aspirations throughout their life at school.  

The programme develops students' confidence and independence, it aims to remove barriers to ensure students’ readiness to take their next step in their learning or career.  


The AGS Careers Programme is designed to:  

  • Encourage students to be ambitious, broaden their horizons and explore their own career aspirations throughout their life at school.  
  • Support inclusion, challenge stereotypes and promoting equality of opportunity.   
  • Ensure students feel knowledgeable and informed about how to take their next step in their learning or career.   
  • Help students to understand the changing world of work and current labour market information.  
  • Facilitate meaningful encounters with employers and higher education provider for all students.  
  • Support positive transition, post-16 and post-18.   
  • Enable students to develop the research skills and knowledge of tools to find out about opportunities available to them.  
  • Ensure students know where to access help and information on online platforms when searching for careers or educational opportunities.   
  • Help students to develop their employability skills to aid successful transition into the world of work. In particular they should be clear as to what “transferable skills” are, how these can be evidenced and how they relate to the workplace.  
  • Encourage participation in continued learning including further/higher education and apprenticeships.  
  • Contribute to strategies for raising attainment, particularly by increasing motivation.  
  • Help students to recognise their own strengths and weaknesses and how this may relate to different careers areas.  

Our Careers Programme is evaluated at least once per year, through teacher feedback (online forms) and through student voice panels.  

Get in touch

If you are an employer and would like to work with Allerton Grange Careers, please email

If you would like to provide feedback on the Allerton Grange Careers Programme, please complete our online feedback form.

If your child has recently left school and is not in education, employment or training, please see some of the options available to them here (Post-16 Alternative Options) and contact for further support.