
Mr Mike Roper
Head Teacher

Mr Mike Roper

April 2015 - Current 

Ms Barbara Trayer
Chair of Governors

Ms Barbara Trayer

(11/06/21 - 10/07/23)

As an experienced former Deputy Headteacher/Acting Headteacher coupled with my experiences as an independent Education Consultant, I provide quality, reliable, supportive as well as challenging additional capacity to the Governing Body. I bring rigour, organisation, commitment, flexibility and excellent communication skills in the areas of school improvement.

With the ongoing changes in education and the OFSTED framework, I strongly believe that the areas that are high risk to the school are: Standards, Leadership and Management at all levels, self-evaluation and the quality of Teaching and Learning, thus ensuring that the school provides value for money and a quality education service to the students, staff and the wider community.

I ensure that I am up to date with the latest trends, legislation and initiatives in education. My practice and feedback from centres with whom I have worked closely is that I am honest, transparent, patient and resourceful. I believe in sharing good practice both within and across organisations. A key part of my work is to monitor, review and evaluate, not only the colleagues with whom I work, but my own contribution to avoid complacency. This is important in ensuring that the Headteachers, Principals, Governing Bodies and other key staff receive consistent information and guidance to keep the organisations moving forward, thus impacting positively on student outcomes.

Mrs Bev Manfredi
PA to the Headteacher and Clerk to the Governors
Mr Dan Carver
Parent Governor

Mr Dan Carver

(21/01/2024 - 22/01/2028)

I am a co-opted Governor, having served four years as a parent governor. I have two children currently at Allerton Grange.

With a background in Public Health, I currently work for NHS England as an ‘Implementation and Business Manager’. I have previous experience of managing ‘Extended Schools’ provision, as well as having worked as a Project Manager for Lifelong Learning UK.

Ms Natalie Harris
Staff Governor

Ms Natalie Harris

(09/02/2024 – 08/02/2028)

Natalie is a Staff Governor

Ms Joanne Travis
Co-opted Governor

Ms Joanne Travis

(15/11/22 - 14/11/26)

I have a very keen interest in education offerings within the UK and strongly believe that it is incredibly important we invest in our youth to protect, improve and secure our futures.  Having two children has increased that interest as I have seen how influential education is in their lives.  In the past I have tried to involve myself with the education system by volunteering on a short-term basis through the Prince’s Trust and Career Ready and found both experiences very rewarding. 

I am a civil servant and, in my current role, I am responsible for ensuring the corporate governance and functions for the Single Competent Authority in the Home Office are strong, effective and thorough.  The Single Competent Authority is the victim identification service for potential victims of modern slavery. 

Volunteering is encouraged in the Civil Service and, since 2018, I have been a Trustee for Age UK Leeds, this has given me additional experience in a governance and board environment on a local level and in a new area of work.  My particular areas of focus at Age UK are in fundraising and marketing, helping people to understand the role of the Charity and increasing awareness. 

I believe that the role I have at the Home Office, combined with my experience as a Trustee of Age UK Leeds and my desire to help contribute to supporting education within my local community would make me a dedicated Governor for Allerton Grange.

Ms Stephanie Nyirenda
Co-opted Governor

Ms Stephanie Nyirenda

As a Black, female immigrant from a working class background, I am passionate about representation of under-represented groups and the intersections that people belong to.

Throughout my career I have worked in equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) for different organisations and I have a keen interest in making the environments that I am in an inclusive space.


I was elected as chair of an anti-racism task force at an anti-trafficking charity.  I am currently working at Teach First on their partnership with Lewis Hamilton's charity, Mission 44, to increase the number of Black STEM teachers in schools and fundamentally increase representation in the education sector.


I am also a school governor at a local primary school in Leeds, where I continue working to make education more accessible and equitable for those who attend the school.  My commitment to equitable education, nationally and locally, demonstrates my dedication to Allerton Grange as a school governor.

Mr Ashutosh Paul

Mr Ashutosh Paul

I'm a father to two children – I have a daughter at AGS and my son is enjoying life in Reception.

I am a commercial lawyer and I'm combining that with public service work for Central Government. My job provides flexibility and a great work life balance. In my spare time I enjoy running and cycling and listening to audiobooks.

I have previously been a governor and Chair of governors at a different school. I hope this together with my professional skills means I can make a meaningful contribution as a parent governor at AGS.

Mr Tom Loukes

Mr Tom Loukes

I'm a Partner at PwC, I work with organisations to improve their sustainability reporting. I have worked for the firm for around 14 years, I have experience in a number of areas including governance, change management and control, all of which are transferable into the role of a Governor.

I am passionate about equal opportunities and believe that school is an important part of setting children up for their future lives and careers. This is my first role as a Governor, I'm looking forward to getting stuck in and making a positive difference.  

I'm married to Liz, I have twins, Fred and Evie who are eight and currently attend our local primary school. When not standing at the side of a kids dance class or rugby pitch, you'll find me either on the golf course or riding my bike!

Ms Anna Lees
Parent Governor

Ms Anna Lees

I am a Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist; after 10 years working in the NHS in specialist roles supporting and improving services to mainstream schools and mentoring and managing colleagues, I set up my independent SLT company in 2016. As a service, we take the responsibility of supporting children’s communication skills within schools very seriously and ensure collaborative practice with all school staff from senior leaders to support staff. I am passionate about equality, opportunities for all, and young people being respected and having a voice.
I am the parent and step-parent of children at AGS. Having seen the impact that a supportive
and inclusive environment has had on our children’s happiness and wellbeing, I feel privileged
to join the governing body. I hope my insights and experience will be valuable to the team.

Governors Membership List

Governor Attendance and Declarations of Interest 2024/25

Annual Statement of the Governing Body 2024/25

Allerton Grange Behaviour Principles

Instrument of Government Allerton Grange School  

Full Governing Body Meetings for 2024/25







6.00 pm

Strategy & Resources

12/11/24 6.00 pm

FGB 1 (PD & BA)

26/11/24 6.00 pm

FGB 2 (QoE)

10/12/24 6.00 pm


21/01/25 6.00 pm

Strategy and Resources

25/02/25 6.00 pm
FGB 1 (PD & BA)

11/03/25 6.00 pm
FGB 2 (QoE) 25/03/25 6.00 pm


29/04/25 6.00 pm

Strategy and Resources
Budget Approval

20/05/25 6.00 pm

FGB 1 (PD & BA)

10/06/25 6.00 pm
FGB 2 (QoE)

24/06/25 6.00 pm


08/07/25 6.00 pm

Download copy of Committee Dates and Links here 2024/25

Download copy of Committee Dates and Links here 2023/24